AVG Free Edition 2013 Build 3272a6212

pagal | 2010 01 16

Išleista nauja nemokamos antivirusinės „AVG Free Edition 9.0 Build 716a1803“ programos versija. Ši vartotojams reikalinga programa turi automatinį atnaujinimą internetu, pastovų sistemos stebėjimo modulį, kuris užtikrina paleidžiamų programų, atveriamų dokumentų ir gaunamų elektroninio pašto laiškų patikrą. Programa turi lengvai ir patogiai valdomą vartotojo sąsają, sertifikuotą „Virus Stalker“ paieškos mechanizmą ir kasdienį virusų aprašų duomenų bazės atnaujinimą.

Naujoje „AVG Free Edition“ versijoje pagerinta varotojo sąsaja, sumažinti programos įdiegimo ir atnaujinimo failai, ištaisytos kelios klaidos. Programa veikia visose „Windows“ šeimos operacinėse sistemose.

Vartotojams svarbiausia, kad kūrėjas „Grisoft Inc.“ ją platina visiškai nemokamai, tiesa, šiek tiek „apkarpytą“, palyginti su komercine versija, tačiau tai visavertė programa, jūsų AK sauganti nuo virusų.


The world’s most downloaded free security software

There are numerous users who prefer to rely on a freeware antivirus solution and, despite ongoing rumors, this does not necessarily mean that the computer is less protected than in the case of using a paid tool.

AVG Free Edition is one of the freeware antivirus software that should be taken into consideration when thinking about a freeware solution to protect one’s PC. It only provides basic protection, but this should be enough for those who are not avid computer users who download tons of files from the Internet.

Extra attention should be paid when installing this application, since it offers to make some changes to your search engine and install a browser toolbar. Even if you refuse these offers, the software still functions properly.

The interface of AVG Free Edition pleasant, and packed with features that users would only expect from paid solutions, including modules such as LinkScanner, E-mail Protection or Anti-Rootkit.

The scanning process is really fast and thanks to Smart Scanning it can even allow users to work on the computer without noticeably affecting performance. Basically, this particular function starts a scanning process when the computer is idle and switches to a low-priority mode once it detects some activity.

In addition, the PC Analyzer mode will enable users to scan their PC and identify registry errors, junk files, fragmentation errors or invalid shortcuts. AVG Free Edition also comes in handy for proactive identity theft and privacy-related security.

To sum it up, users can stop searching for an efficient antivirus solution, and give AVG Free Edition a try. It might prove to be ideal for those who do not afford to invest in security software yet want to be sure their PC can detect and block malware threats.


· Intel Pentium 1.8 GHz processor or faster
· 550 MB free hard drive space (for installation)
· 512 MB RAM

What’s New in This Release:

Fixes & Improvements:
· Core: Script emulator crash fix.
· Core: Vbscript emulator crash fix.

Users are advised to pay attention while installing this ad-supported application:

· Offers to install AVG Security Toolbar that the program does not require to fully function.
· Offers to change the default search engine for web browsers installed in the system

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Reitingas: 10.0/10 (3 balsų)
AVG Free Edition 2013 Build 3272a6212, 10.0 out of 10 based on 3 ratings
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