Piggy 2.4.0

pagal | 2014 07 19

Piggy screenshot 1 - Piggy allows you to create multiple money plans in order to organize your personal expenses.

Minimalistinė programėlė, kuri padės Jums suskaičiuoti visus savo gautus ir išleistus pinigus per pasirinktą laikotarpį. Programos lange matysite penkis stulpelius- dienos, gautų ir išleistų pinigų, aprašymo bei esamo likučio.


Basic finance managing utility for casual users who want to monitor their monthly income and expenses, featuring intuitive options

Piggy is a very simple-to-use software utility which bundles only basic options for managing your financial budget every month. It does not include complex features or configuration settings.

Swift setup and user-friendly GUI

Installing the tool takes minimal time and effort. However, you can modify the default location for storing the plan files if necessary. As for the interface, Piggy keeps it plain and simple, going for a regular window with a clean layout.

Add new entries and evaluate your budget easily

In order to add a new entry to the list, all you have to do is specify the day of the month, mark it as income or outcome, set a money amount, and write a description. The main frame shows the day, income and outcome, description, along with balance (which is automatically added or reduced from the previous amount).

Atsisiųsti ( 981 KB / Windows XP / Vista / Vista 64 bit / 7 / 7 64 bit / 8 / 8 64 bit )


Piggy screenshot 2 - When entering a new transaction you can change the day of the month and its description.

Piggy screenshot 3 - You can change the font used for listing all your planned transactions from the Preferences window.

Piggy screenshot 4 - The program can use several amount formats in order to accommodate your preference.

VN:F [1.9.13_1145]
Reitingas: 8.0/10 (1 balsas)
Piggy 2.4.0, 8.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating
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