Cactus Emulator 2

pagal | 2011 02 17

Ar žinojai, kad kaktusai gali apsaugoti nuo elektromagnetinės radiacijos? Norite sužinoti, nuo ko dar apsaugo ir ko suteikia šie paslaptingi augalai? Pagelbės šis nemokamas įrankis, kuris išsamiai papasakos ir parodys, kokių būna kaktusų ir kaip jie mums gali būti naudingi.


Cactus Emulator is a fancy utility. It simulates the cactus properties. These miraculous plants can protect you from electromagnetic radiation, stabilize your sexuality, regenerate the earth power, help you to get more energy.

Cactus and computer users found that cactuses can stop computer radiation, clean your aura, improve your sexual energy, guard people from other creatures, and more.

You can enable radiation protection, life force, joyful, aura cleansing, love, beauty, inner cleansing, and golden barrel cactuses.

With Cactus Emulator you can activate cactus abilities, view cactus images, read cactus property descriptions, run slide show, select English, German or Spanish languages, enable or disable Autostart option.

This program is a good 1st April present. Give it to your friends!

Choose cactuses for your guard and protection. You’ll really be amused by these funny creations!

Atsisiųsti ( 2.2 MB / Windows OS )
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