ZHPDiag 2017.2.18.29

pagal | 2017 02 19

„ZHPDiag“ – tai pilnas operacinės sistemos skenavimo įrankis, kuris ras ir pašalins visą kenkėjišką programinę („angl. Malware“) įrangą (įrankių juostelės, reklamas, trojos virusus ir kt.) įdiegtą be Jūsų žinios ar patekusią naudojantis el. paštu.


zhpdiag_1Seamlessly perform a full-system diagnosis of your computer and detect unwanted items that may make your system vulnerable to malware with this tool

Connecting a corrupted Flash stick, accessing a website that includes a Trojan or a rogue or downloading malware from email attachments, are just a few examples of how your computer can get infected.

ZHPDiag is a lightweight application designed to help you perform a comprehensive analysis of your system and detect Trojans, viruses, adware, PUP and other types of malware.

Includes a straightforward and easy to navigate UI

The program does not need an installation per se, but rather you need to agree to the terms and conditions to run it on your computer. Since the operation creates a shortcut on your desktop, the next you can access it from there the next time you need to run it.

The interface is simplistic and user-friendly, so it is unlikely to give you any troubles. Although the splash screen features a Repair button, you should bear in mind that the main function of the utility is to scan your computer and provide you with a report on the potential infections that are plaguing your system.

Provides you with a comprehensive analysis of your system

Following the scan, the program provides you a summary of the adware, unnecessary toolbars, malware and other potentially unwanted programs that are found on your computer. Afterwards, you can take the necessary actions and use third-party cleaning or antivirus software solutions to clean your computer.

Atsisiųsti ( 2.6 MB/ Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 , 10 )


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