64Gram 1.0.91

pagal | 2023 09 02
64GRAM prorgama - Telegram kientas

Neoficiali, tačiau niekuo nenusileidžianti nuo originalios socialinio tinklo „Telegram“ darbalaukio programa, kurios dėka galėsite bendrauti su draugais, sekti naujienas ir siųsti pasirinktus failus.


64Gram is an unofficial Telegram client for desktop. Though the messaging platform does offer an official solution, those who are looking for an open-source app with a few more functions added might prefer going the unofficial route.

Much like the official version

At first glance, the two programs look and function similarly. The interface isn’t any different from what you’ve got on the mobile version, so you should feel right at home here.

First off, you’ll have to connect your account through your mobile phone. This is done similarly to the official web app: scan the QR code, or authenticate with your phone number, and you’re in. Your contacts and messages will be fetched, and you’ll be able to converse with anyone you wish, look back on past exchanges, send all sorts of content, including images, videos, and so on.

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