
pagal | 2013 01 27

„Greenshot“ programa tiks visiems kas nori patogiau nufotografuoti ekrane esantį vaizdą ar jo fragmentą. Šios programos dėka galėsite daryti darbalaukio nuotraukas be didesnių pastangų, kadangi programa suteikia nemažai funkcijų padėsiančių su šia užduotimi susitvarkyti pakankamai greitai. Ji ne tik leis pasirinkti kokią vietą norite nufotografuoti, tačiau gautą nuotrauką ir suredaguoti (iškirpti norimą plotą, užrašyti norimą tekstą, pridėti rodyklių, pasukti nuotrauką įvairiu kampu ir kt.) Taip pat gautą vaizdą galėsite patalpinti populiariausiose failų ir nuotraukų saugyklose, tokiose kaip „PIcasa“, „DropBox“, „Flickr“ ar kitose.


Take your screenshots with this application

Greenshot is a software which you can use to easily take snapshots in several methods. Once installed, you can access the program’s features via its icon in the system tray.

So, you can capture a window, region or full screen. But you can also set its output destination to the image editor, clipboard, printer or file.

In addition, you can configure printing options (e.g. shrink printout to fit paper size, center printout on page) and apply effects (play camera sound, show flashlight).

In the editor, you can draw rectangles, ellipses, lines and arrows, add text boxes and highlights, crop images, use the cut, copy and paste functions, duplicate a selected element, load objects from an external file, and more.

In „Settings“ you can change the interface language, register hotkeys, enable Greenshot to automatically run at system startup, include the mouse cursor, use interactive window capture more, and others.

The application requires a moderate amount of system resources, includes a well-written help file (too bad it doesn’t contain snapshots), has a good response time and didn’t cause us any difficulties during our tests, since the tool didn’t freeze, crash or pop up errors. We strongly recommend Greenshot to all users, especially to the ones who are looking for a straightforward tool.

VN:F [1.9.13_1145]
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