UsefulSaver 1.0.1

pagal | 2011 12 22

Ekrano užsklanda, kurioje pateikiama svarbiausia informacija apie Jūsų kompiuterį: procesoriaus bei kietojo disko apkrova, kietojo disko(-ų) vietos užimtumas bei daugiausia kompiuterio resursų išnaudojantys procesai.


Display useful information when your screensaver comes on

UsefulSaver displays CPU info, RAM info, disk activity, disk space, top 5 processes, battery life remaining, and how long the screensaver’s been running. This screensaver also features the date and time, customizable quotes, and ScreenWash.

ScreenWash is a feature that helps prevent LCD burn-in. After the screensaver has been on for a specified time (10 minutes by default), the screen goes black, then displays the date and time in 4 different colors for 1 minute each. Then the normal screensaver resumes and the cycle continues.

Many color options available, as well as font selection and size. For computers with multiple screens, a photo viewer is available to make use of the space. Give UsefulSaver a try to see what it’s really capable of!

Atsisiųsti ( 880 KB / Windows OS )


VN:F [1.9.13_1145]
Reitingas: 8.7/10 (3 balsų)
UsefulSaver 1.0.1, 8.7 out of 10 based on 3 ratings
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