Active Pixels 3.05

pagal | 2011 07 21


Tai nemokama nuotrauk7 redagavimo programa. Programoje gausu patogiai suskirstytų filtrų, be to, rasime pagrindinius nuotraukų redagavimo įrankius, galėsime dirbti su sluoksniais.



An advanced photo editor for an advanced user

Active Pixels is a uniquely advanced Image and Computer Graphics editor offering users a wide variety of possibilities in the fields of Image Enhancing and Image Editing and in the field of Computer Graphics.

Using the editor you can perform various tasks, from simple basic tasks to complex tasks; you can edit existing images, create new works based on existing images, create new works from scratch and more.

The software offers powerful tools and functions which include among other things Support of scanners and digital cameras, Advanced Image Enhancing and editing tools and functions, Tools for creating Computer Graphics, Rich Text Tools, Support of many picture file types, Special Effects, Selection Tools, Layers, Gradients, Patterns, also The Ability to expand the software yourselves!

Here are some key features of „Active Pixels“:

· Support near 30 graphic formats with large nomber of options (also multiframe ICO and animated GIF).
· Import/export layers in PSD-format (Photoshop).
· Simple and intuitive user interface.
· Multitasking.
· Filters support (now over 50 filters).
· Alpha-channel full support (transparency) for all formats.
· Layers support with 33 render modes.
· Over 10 algorithm of picture resize.
· Selection by magicwand, lasso.
· Different color correction functions.
· Auto color correction.
· Canvas rotate and transform.
· Fast work with big images (over 5 mPix).
· Brush, pencil, gradient, text and another instruments.
· Different additional functions – tile, crop.
· Color selector is more comfortable (HSB).
· Undo/redo without any limitations.

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