Mielophone 0.3.0

pagal | 2012 01 25

Labai patogus ir paprastas internetinis grotuvas. Juo galėsime pasiklausyti populiariausių atlikėjų dainų ir radijo stočių bei peržiūrėti vaizdo įrašus. Programoje imontuotas ir atsisiuntimų tvarkytuvė, kuri padės Jums atsisiųsti tiek norimą muzikos įrašą tiek visą albumą.

Dėmesio! Šios programos darbui reikalingas „Windows“ operacinės sistemos priedas „Adobe Air“.


Enjoy videos, music and radio within a single app

Mielophone is a minimalistic application for searching, listening, downloading and discovering new music. It mashes up together databases like MusicBrainz, Last.FM and BBCRadio to deliver complete info about songs, artists and albums.

Mielophone relies on a unique plugin system to look for available MP3 tracks and streams for specified strings.

Here are some key features of „Mielophone“:

· Search for your favorite artists, albums or songs using up to date crowd-sourced databases. MusicBrainz provide complete and precise discography, Last.FM provides complete info about artists including tags, similar and related artists as well as ratings, BBCRadio provides top lists.

· Use integrated player to listen to your favorite music right from the Internet. Or download mp3s and play with a desktop player of your choice.

· Powerful integrated download manager will handle both single song and full album downloads.

· Easily scrobble what you listen using Last.FM. Connect with Facebook to automatically share your listening experience with friends.


· Adobe AIR

VN:F [1.9.13_1145]
Reitingas: 10.0/10 (1 balsas)
Mielophone 0.3.0, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating
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