MusicBee 1.4.4418

pagal | 2012 02 18

Dabar yra kompiuteriui skirtų muzikos grotuvų, kad net nežinai kokį išsirinkti. Ir svarbiausiai, kad jie visi siūlomi įsigyti nemokamai. Dažniausiai ten prikišta visokių nereikalingų „pribambasų“ kurių mums visai nereikia.

MusicBee yra gan geras muzikos grotuvas į kurį neprikišta visokių nereikalingų įrankių. Visi mygtukai bus savo vietose. Netgi yra tokia naujovė kaip užvedus pelę ant užduočių juostoje esančios programos piktogramos išplaukia langas su minimaliu mygtukų rinkiniu programos valdymui. Tačiau visais šiais „stebuklais“ jau senai nieko nenustebinsi.

Programa puikiai draugauja su MP1, MP2, MP3, MP4, MPC, AAC, Ogg, FLAC, WavPack, WAV, AIFF, AU, SND, CDDA, WMA ir kitais populiariausių formatų failais. Įdomiai atrodo Auto-DJ funkcija, čia galima pagal jūsų pasirinktus kriterijus automatiškai sukurti grojaraščius.

Taigi mano išvada tokia: MusicBee tikrai šaunus grotuvas, sugebantis puikiai sutvarkyti jūsų muzikinę kolekciją. Pasižymi pakankamai dideliu funkcionalumu, lankstumu, pakankamai ekonomiškas sisteminių resursų atžvilgiu ir leidžiantis viską susireguliuoti pagal save. Žodžiu tai originalus ir turintis tam tikro šarmo grotuvas, ne prastesnis negu daugelis konkurentų.
(Aut. PieliausBlogas)


Organize, find and play music files on your computer, on portable devices and on the web

If you are looking for an application geared toward managing extensive music collections, easy to use and with a comprehensive feature set – MusicBee is that application.

The MusicBee application provides an easy way to organize, find and play music files on your computer, on portable devices and on the web.

Free for personal use.

Here are some key features of „MusicBee“:

· Manage your music
· Manage your music as a library, as playlists or as folders on the file-system. Organize, browse and find music on your computer, on portable devices and on the web. Small or large collections are handled with ease.

· Have folders watched for new tracks and added to your library, with the option to tag the files from an Inbox beforehand.

· Also manage and download Podcast subscriptions and listen to your favourite radio stations, including Shoutcast and stations.

· Tagging
· Tag music easily, with a large number of tags available for editing, and custom tags that can be configured to edit other less common tags.

· Automatically look up missing Album Art, Lyrics and tag other metadata from the web, with the ability to have tracks identified by analysing their digital sound signature.

· Power users will appreciate the configurable input panel layout, bulk editing, handling for multiple artist/ genres, search & replace, and tools to highlight tracks requiring attention (missing tags, duplicates, etc).

· Organise
· Have music files organised and renamed into folders and files on your computer based on tag values such as artist, album, name, track number, etc. that you specify. You can have MusicBee do this automatically for all files in your library or you can choose the files or folders yourself.

· Play and Discover Music
· Play MP3, FLAC, Vorbis, WMA and other formats and optionally have those tracks scrobbled to You are not restricted to music files on your computer – you can play the web as well. Playlists are automatically created from MP3 blogs and web pages you visit.

· Discover music with the Auto-DJ and have it create a playlist for you based on criteria you specify, such as tracks from similar artists, or include music tracks from the web not in your collection (or old ones from your collection you have forgotten about!)

· You can also create playlists that are dynamically updated based on your own rules, such as tracks with the same mood or genre.

· Secure CD Ripping
· Securely rip tracks from your CD collection as individual files or as a single album file with an embedded cuesheet. You can also have your rips validated against for extra assurance.

· No need to manually tag your rips – tags and artwork for each CD are automatically retrieved from the internet, with the option to have your ripped tracks added to the Inbox for further tagging before adding to your library.

· Synchronise
· Synchronise music files, podcasts and playlists from your library, or music files from any folder to many portable devices. These include iPods (but not iTouch/ iPhone 2.0+), MTP devices (most portable devices other than iPods), and USB devices. You can also drag and drop files to the device yourself.

· Artwork, tags, ratings and playcounts are all synchronised, with the option to add the track playcounts from the device to your library.

· Files can be encoded to a format supported by the device on the fly. And you have the option to normalise tracks so they play back at the same volume.

· Tools
· Convert music files from one format to another without losing tag values; normalise the volume of your files so you don’t have to keep adjusting the volume; update missing tags and album artwork from the web; and more.

What’s New in This Release:

· CD/DVD burning for win7 and vista
· artist photo slideshow and new „playing track“ tab
· new layout customisation settings
· library explorer now has tabs to jump between different filters
· play queue manager and auto-pruning for the now playing list
· now playing list can now be displayed with album artwork
· static playlists can now be set with specific views and fields
· advanced naming functions for organising files
· auto-calculated album ratings
· volume analysis now allows adjusting the calculated replaygain values with clipping detection
· option to automatically detect duplicates when importing files
· new skins
· completed Polish translation
· various bug fixes

Atsisiųsti ( 23.1 MB / Windows OS )

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