Glary Disk Explorer

pagal | 2015 01 30

„Glary Disk Explorer“ programa padės surasti daugiausia vietos kietajame diske išnaudojančius failus ir katalogus. Visa informacija bus pateikta viename lange: failo/katalogo užimama vieta, procentinė išraiška bei grafikas.


A user-friendly application that enables you to view the distribution of storage space allocated on directories and files, helping you free up disk space

Glary Disk Explorer is a handy tool that enables you to find out which of your files and folders occupy most space, providing an efficient means to manage the hard disk storage capacity.

Manage storage space with ease

With its help you can easily get an overview of the available and occupied disk space, so that you can get rid of the large files you don’t really need. By default, it is configured to scan all the connected local drives, but you can also opt for a specific drive or even an individual folder.

Storage locations are analyzed and Glary Disk Explorer quickly calculates the storage space allocated to each folder or file, in percentages. The drive content is displayed within an organized table, alongside the size of each item. Files can be easily filtered by type using the dedicated toolbar buttons.


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