
pagal | 2011 06 11

nLite  šios programos pagalba galima pačiam sukurti savo operacinių sistemų Windows 2000/XP/2003 instaliacinį diską (išmesti kas nereikalinga ir pridėti reikiamus komponentus). Pavyzdžiui, sukurti Windows XP operacinės sistemos instaliacinį diską su integruotais Service Pack 1, Service Pack 2 ir būtinų programų komplektu: draiveriais, antivirusais, kodekais, grotuvais ir kitomis reikalingomis programomis, tarkim AIMP. Galite pašalinti iš sistemos Media Player, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express, MSN Explorer, Messenger programas ir pakeisti jas savo naudojamomis. Dirbti su programa gana paprasta: reikia tik pridėti ar nuimti varneles prie pasirinktų sistemos elementų, tuo pačiu nustatant opcijas naujai sukurtai versijai. Programos darbui būtina instaliuoti .NET Framework v1.1, ką Jums iš karto pasiūlys nLite programa, ir jei norite, automatiškai instaliuos.

Dėmesio! Šiai programai reikalinga .NET Framework v1.1 programa.


Remove Windows components like Media Player, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express and more

nLite is a GUI for permanent Windows component removal by your choice.

After removal there is an option to make bootable image ready for burning on cd or testing in virtual machines.

With nLite you will be able to have Windows installation which on install doesn’t include, or even contain on cd, unwanted components.

Mainly, it’s a little bit of a slipstreamer, customizer, reducer and iso creator all in one package.

Quick overview :

1. Slipstream – After you extract it to any folder and ran it, you can browse and point to folder on hard drive which contains your Windows installation.
If you pointed to right folder with i386 in it and Windows id files, nLite will detect if you have already slipstreamed SP1 or SP2, and if not it will change Browse button to Slipstream, when pressed it asks for Service Pack installation file (or update.exe if you extracted it). Then it Slipstreams it passively. Or you can configure your existing version without slipstreaming.

2. Customize/Reduce – Choose which components to remove from your Windows installation permanently. It’s version independent, it’s possible because I’m not using filelists, well, allmost. There is only an inf-filelist which then gets parsed for used files, so ~95% of file names are automatically generated from your own inf’s. The other 5% are manually added. Most likely nLite will work with future versions of Windows XP without any problem.

3. Advanced Options – Make sure to keep Data directory with nLite and all the files in it unrenamed. Added automatic hacking of syssetup.dll for OOBE disabling (if you choose to remove it, this will not crack Activation). SFC is entirely disabled too simply by copying hacked dll from Data and adjusting registry. Many options to add in the future, priority so far was on reduction issues.

4. Make ISO – This section is using external file datacdimage.exe which I believe don’t need introducing. When reduction process finishes you can copy additional files to installation directory and then press Make ISO, it will ask you for desired ISO name and location.

Here are some key features of „nLite“:

· Service Pack Integration
· Component Removal
· Unattended Setup
· Driver Integration
· Hotfixes Integration
· Tweaks
· Patches
· Bootable ISO creation


· You need .NET Framework 1.1 in order to run it.

What’s New in This Release:

· Fix: Runtime error on browse
· Fix: Temp folder change applied late

VN:F [1.9.13_1145]
Reitingas: 10.0/10 (1 balsas)
nLite, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating
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