MOORHUHN Winter Edition [Vištamušis-žiemos leidimas | FREE]

pagal | 2015 02 06

Klasikinis vištamušio žaidimas Jums garantuos azartą ir malonias akimirkas praleistas prie kompiuterio. Žiemos metu turėsite šaudyti ne tik į skraidančias vištas, tačiau ir užslėptus daiktus, kurie atneš papildomus taškus.


Winter has arrived in Moorhuhnland.

A thick layer of snow has engulfed the landscape and even the lake is frozen solid. Snowflakes keep falling and an icy wind is blowing through the valley. The ideal weather for hunting. Moorhuhn Winter Edition is a completely new game with new graphics and lots of puzzling riddles and hidden extras.

Moorhuhn Winter 1.0 Download (Free trial) - IsUn0407.exe

Moorhuhn Winter Edition Free Downloads | Peatix

VN:F [1.9.13_1145]
Reitingas: 7.3/10 (4 balsų)
MOORHUHN Winter Edition [Vištamušis-žiemos leidimas | FREE], 7.3 out of 10 based on 4 ratings
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