WPS Office Free

pagal | 2017 06 16

WPS Office (anksčiau vadintas Kingsoft Office) – nemokama alternatyva Microsoft Office biuro programų paketui. Nors kurtas Kinijoje, ir vizualiai yra beveik identiška MS Office kopija (tradiciškai kaip ir daugelis kiniškų produktų), jis yra išbaigtas ir gerai veikiantis produktas, kurio svarbiausi privalumai – pilnas suderinamumas su MS Office failų formatais bei veikimas skirtingose operacinėse sistemose.

Keletas faktų:

WPS yra santrumpa iš produkto sudėtinių dalių (Writer, Presentation, Spreadsheets)
WPS pradėtas kurti 1988 metais (MS Office – 1990m.)
WPS yra palaikomas Windows, Linux, iOS, Android operacinėse sistemose
WPS palaiko ispell kalbos tikrinimo žodynus ir turi lietuvių kalbos tikrinimo žodyną
WPS yra nemokamas (yra ir mokama versija, palaikanti VBA Macros skaičiuoklėse, tačiau jei to nereikia, pilnai užteks ir nemokamos versijos)
Dėl pastarųjų trijų savybių bei geresnio suderinamumo su MS Office failų formatais nei kiti biuro programų paketai (LibreOffice/OpenOffice), WPS yra vertas dėmesio. ( Autorius: Paulius Leščinskas )


Kingsoft-Office-Free_1A visually appealing office suite, that you can use in a variety of situations, delivered as a complex yet very user-friendly application package

WPS Office Free is a comprehensive office suite that provides you with the ability to perform a wide array of tasks related to the creation, editing and display of text documents, slideshows and data tables.

Three tools with intuitive and straightforward looks

This software package offers three distinct components, namely Kingsoft Writer, Kingsoft Presentation and Kingsoft Spreadsheets, each with their own individual purpose and numerous functions.

However, they all share the same user-friendly and clear-cut interface, making WPS Office Free quite accessible to anyone, regardless of the office suite that you have used in the past, if any.

Create and edit written documents, slideshows and workbooks

Kingsoft Writer is a text editor that features countless options and tools. Aside from being able to change fonts, colors, alignment types, insert bullets, or special characters and symbols, you can also add tables or pictures, shapes or charts, or date and time stamps. Moreover, it comes with a series of ‘Recommended Templates’ for letters, invoices, resumes, memos, timetables, agreements and other standardized documents that you can use to ease your work.

Kingsoft Presentation aims to help you create slideshows with countless slides, in which you can include pieces of text, images and hyperlinks, insert background music, videos and Flash files.  The text you input is just as fully editable as in the case of WPS Writer, so you can customize it as you please. You can create animations and choose various transition effects or rehearse your timings.

In Kingsoft Spreadsheets, you can find a viable alternative to other similar utilities, as it enables you to create extensive data tables. It offers numerous editing options and countless automatic calculation ‘Formulas’. Furthermore, it offers you a variety of templates for ‘Invoice’, ‘Budge

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