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Will help you with the organisation of your audio library
The Audio Tagging Tools shall help you with the organisation of your audio library. Compatibility to many file formats including but not limited to mp3, wma, ogg, vqf, asf, flac, mpc, ape, m3u, wpl, pls, html makes ATT a useful tool.
You can use following features: Editing tags, statistics about your library, a wide range of sorting and filtering features. You can use templates to export information about your library to most common formats like html, rtf or csv. Feel free to adapt existing templates or create new ones.Audio Tagging Tools is a software that allows you to organize your mp3 collection.
The Audio Tagging Tools are multilingual, so it is really easy to create new language files, so you can use ATT in your preferred language.
What’s New in This Release:
· Fixed bug with spaces in login names
· Fixed bug with setting single tag fields
· Added „Index with leading zeros“ to rename files
· Fixed bug with preview in rename files
· Fixed bug in main action bar